
Bibliography (Tamás Zonda MD PhD.)

Books and book chapters

Zonda, T.: Cultural history of suicide (1991) Végeken Foundation
          Budapest (Pg. 233) 

Zonda, T.: Suicide among aged people (l994) (In: Actual questions in
          Gerontopsychiatry ed: Simkó A., Frater R., Tariska P.) Print-X
          Budapest (Pg. 139-152) 

Zonda, T.: The historical roots of suicide (l994) (In: Deviancies in Hungary,
           ed: Münnich I., Moksony F.)
           Budapest Közélet Kiadó Pg. (164-171)

Zonda, T.: Is Hungarians a suicide nation? (1995) Végeken Foundation
          Budapest. (Pg. 26o).

Zonda, T.: Investigation of regional differences of suicide rates in Hungary
          PhD. dissertation (l995)

Zonda, T: Identifying patients at risk of suicide, and the consequents tasks
         within institutional and district frames. (In: New paths in health
         promotion (ed: Halmos T.) Ministry of Health l998. (Pg.123-133).

Zonda, T: “The Suicidal Attitude” in Hungary. (In: Suicidal Behaviour.
         The state of the Art) Eds: K.Böhme, R.Freytag, C.Wachler,   
         H. Wedler) S. Roderer Verlag, Regensburg, (1993)

Zonda, T: Is Hungarians a suicide nation? (Second, rewritten version) 
           Püski Publisher Budapest 2004
Zonda, T: Suicide, statistics, society (Kairosz Publisher, Budapest 2006.      
          (Pg. 218 )


Selected Publications in periodics

1. Zonda T.: Analysis of the suicide events in county Nógrád.
   Orvosi Hetilap 129: 36: 1923-25. l988

2. Zonda T.: Suicide among Hungarian gypsies.
   Psychiat. Hung.IV. l. 31-38. l989

3. Zonda T., Lester, D: Suicide among Hungarian gypsies.
   Acta Psychiat. Scand.82: 11o-ll3. 199o

4. Zonda T.: Comparative study of committed suicides of county Nógrád.
    Végeken I. 1: 125-3o. 199o

5. Zonda T.: The comparison of the deviancies-maps of Hungary according to
   the regional differences of suicide. Végeken I. 4: 19-28. 199o

6. Zonda T.: The investigation of regional differences of suicide rates in a
   Hungarian county. Demográfia XXXIII: 1-2: 11o-113. 199o

7. Zonda T., Kővári E.: The use of Haloperidol-decanoat in the psychiatry  
   compared with pipotiazin palmitate. Gyógyszereink 41:1o6-109. 1990         

8. Zonda T.: A longitudinal follow-up study of 583 suicide attempters in
    Hungarian material. Crisis 12: 1: 48-57. l99l

9. Zonda T., Rihmer Z., Lester D.: Social correlates of deviant behaviour in
    Hungary. European J. of Psychiat. 6: 4: 236-238. 1992

10. Zonda T., Lester D.: Blood type and suicide. Biol. Psychiatry 33: 849- 
    85o. 1993

11. Zonda T.: A 1oo year’s chronicle of suicide of a Hungarian town.
        Szenvedélybetegségek I: 1: 46-54. 1993

12. Zonda T., Muraközy Fné, Galló Gy.: A comparative attitude-study among
        suicide attempters and general population of counties Bács-Kiskun
        and Nógrád. Szenvedélybetegségek I: 3: 218-233. 1993

13. Zonda T.: The further study of regional differences of suicide.
         Psychiat. Hung. VIII: l: 23-3l. 1993

14. Zonda T., Csiszér N., Tauszik T.: Blood groups among people who
   attempted and committed suicide. Ideggyógy. Szemle 48(1-2):12-15. (1995)

15. Zonda T., Kővári E., Edelmayer M., Vízúr J., Vörös K., Sarudi K,
   Nagy G.: Mental-hygienic study in a district of Budapest.
   Szenvedélybetegségek IV: 3: 174-179. 1996

16. Zonda T.: The committed suicide events of county Nógrád l97o-1994
    LAM 7:672-68o. l998

17. Zonda T., Gróza J.: The outcome of a depressive population. (11-years
    follow-up study) Szenvedélybetegségek VI:1:4-8. (1998)

18. Zonda T.: The regional differences of the suicide rates in the mirror of the
   "registered" depression. Orvosi Hetilap. 139:38:2249-53. 1998

19. Zonda T.: The historical roots of Hungarian suicide.
   Italian J. of Suicidology 8:1:139-42. 1998

20. Zonda T.: The characteristics of suicide among aged people in a Hungarian
    county (197o-1994). Lege Artis Medicinae 2:136-141. 1998

21. Zonda T., Singer J.: Gotland, the island of happiness’
    Szenvedélybetegségek VII:2:14o-144. 1999

22. Zonda T., Paksi B.: Comparative study of the presumed causes behind 
   regional differences in suicide in Hungary. Szenvedélybetegségek
   VII:3:172-185. 1999

23. Zonda T., Csiszér N., Lester D.: Blood groups among attempted and 
   completed suicides. European J. of Psychiatry 13:1:58-6o. 1999

24. Zonda T.: Suicide in Nógrád county, Hungary (197o-1994)
    Crisis 2o/2 64-7o. 1999
25. Zonda T., Gubacsi L.: The comparative analysis of suicide events in the 
    counties Nógrád and Bács-Kiskun. LAM 9:800-804. 1999

26. Zonda T., Bartos É., Erdősi Á., Gróza J.: Evaluation the Clozapine
    therapy in our department, focusing on the bipolar disorders and suicide.
    Neuropsychopharmacologica Hungarica II:115-119. 2000

27. Zonda T., Bartos É., Nagy G.: The prevalence of the affective disorders in 
    a district of Budapest. Orvosi Hetilap 141(26): 14443-1447. 2000

28. Zonda T.: The seasonality of suicide. Szenvedélybetegségek. 3:164-174. 

29. Zonda T., Gróza J.: The long-term outcome of a depressive sample in a
   Hungarian population. Journal of Affective Disorders, 6:113-116. 2000

30. Zonda T.: The possible causes behind the decrease of suicides in Hungary
  (1988-1998). Szenvedélybetegségek, IX; 1: 26-30. 2001

31. Zonda T., Bozsonyi K: The seasonal trends of suicides in Hungary.
    Szenvedélybetegségek, IX; 2:133-141.  2001

32. Zonda T.: Can reduce of suicide rate by the education of GP’?
   Szenvedélybetegségek, IX.4: 244-249. 2001

33. Paksi B., Zonda T: Anomic and integration hypothesis explaining regional 
   patterns of suicide of Hungary. Comparative analysis in two polar
   imperilled regions. Szenvedélybetegségek, IX.5: 331-340. 2001.

34. Zonda T., Paksi B: A comparison of attitudes to health in a high and a low 
   suicide rates county in Hungary. LAM 12 (2): 100-106. 2002. 

35. Zonda T., Lester D.: Blood type and bipolar disorder.
   Perceptual and Motors Skills, 95:988; 2002.

36. Zonda T.: The suicide in Hungary 1970-2000. Psychiat. Hung. 17(4):
   389-397. 2002.

37. Zonda T.: Suicide rates in Hungary do not correlate negatively with
   reported rates of depression and with the number of GP’s.
    Archives of Suicide Research 7:61-67. 2003.

38. Bozsonyi K., Zonda T., Veres E.: The seasonal fluctuation of suicide in
   Hungary (1970-2000)  Psychiat. Hung. 18(6):391-398 2003. 

39. Zonda T., Veres E.: Suicide in Hungary (1970-2000)
   Addictologia Hungarica 2004. III.1. 7-23.
40. Zonda T., Antal A., Kocsis N., Sótonyi P.: Psychological autopsy of
   hundered suicide victims in Budapest compared with a control population.
   Addictologia Hungarica 2004. III. 1. 70-82.

41. Voraczek M., Yip PS., Fisher ML., Zonda T. Seasonality of suicide in
    Eastern Europe: a rejoinder to Lester-Moksony.
    Perceptual and Motors Skill 2004 Aug; 99(1): 17-18.

42. Zonda T., Bozsonyi K., Veres Előd.: Seasonal Fluctuation of Suicide in
    Hungary 1970-2000. Archives of Suicide Research; 2005. 9: 77-85

43. Zonda T.: Depression and Suicidal Behaviour (Letter to the Editor)
    Crisis 2005; 26(1): 34-35.

44. Bozsonyi K, Veres E., Zonda T.(2005): The impact of holidays on suicide
    in Hungary 1970-2002) Psychiatria Hungarica. 20: 463-471

45. Zonda T., Paksi B.: (2006) The protective role of religiosity in somatic 
    and mental disorders.
    Mentálhigiéne és Pszichoszomatika 7: (2006) 1, 1-13. 

46. Zonda T.: (2006) One-hundred cases of suicide in Budapest (A Case-
    controlled Psychological Autopsy Study).
    Crisis Vol.27(3):125-129
47. Zonda, T., Lester, D.: (2007) Preventing suicide by educating general
    practitioners. OMEGA, Vol. 54(1) 53-57. 2006-2007

48. Zonda, T., Bozsonyi, K., Veres,E., Lester, D., Frank,M.: (2008): The impact
    of holidays on suicide in Hungary. OMEGA Vol. 58(2) 193-162

49. Zonda, T. (2012): Vergangenheit und Gegenwart: Suizid in Ungarn?
     Suizidprophylaxe 39, 3. 94-97

50. Zonda T, Paksi B, Nagy G. (2014): A vallásosság és az öngyilkosság összefüggésének hazai vizsgálatához
     az 1990-2010 közötti kistérségi adatok elemzése alapján. Association between religiosity and suicide
     in Hungary 1990-2010.
     Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatica; 15; 1: 67-83

51. Zonda T, Kmetty Z, Lester D, Tóth MD.(2015): Effects of Parliamentary Elections on suicie Rates in Hungary.
     Crisis, Vol 36(2): 148-151.

52. Zonda T, Bozsonyi K, Kmetty Z, Veres E, Lester D (2016): The Birthday Blues. A Study of a Large
     Hungarian Sample (1970-2002)
     OMEGA—Journal of Death and Dying Vol. 73(1): 87–94

53. Kmetty Z., Bozsonyi, K., Zonda, T. (2016) A magyar öngyilkossági adatok ökológiai vizsgálata komplex
     statisztikai módszerekkel. (Hungarian suicidal events analyzed wirh complex statistical methods).
     Psychiatria Hungarica. (1) 5-14

54. Zonda T., Bozsonyi K., Kmetty Z. (2016) Öngyilkosság és antidepresszívumok, ökológiai vizsgálatok.
     (Suicide and antidepressants. A critique of the ecological stuidies.
     Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika 17 (2016) 2, 96–115

55. Bozsonyi K., Zonda T., Fülöp A. , Bálint L. (2017): A napfényes órák és a (violens) öngyilkosságok számának
     összefüggése Magyarországon
     Ideggyógyászati Szemle.(Association between hours of sunshine and the suicide rates
     (mainly by violent mode) in Hungary (in press).